Sunday, 15 November 2009


This piece of typography works so well in representing London throught the traditional, red London buses you associate with the city. Using only two colours, red and black, it highlights the features of the bus and moving the two 'O's' in the bottom London, so easily and effectively changes the meaning of the poster.

Again, from the same the same designer, the poster range is based on London. Using only type again the format that the text is used works well to represent something that is universally known, the tube line maps.

Producing Images that effectively communicate a message to an audience

This design works on the idea of the First World War posters which read the line 'Your Country needs YOU,' working with this iconic tag line, the poster emphasises the 'You' working with guilt and aiming specifically at individuals.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Cristiana Couceiro

I like how Cristiana uses collage within her work but manages to make it very precise and neat, she incorporates a vintage style to her work with oldfashioned images. I also like the way she manages to control the use of collage keeping it minimal with lots of space around the design so it isn't overcrowded or overpowering like collages can be.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Seb Lester

Made up from hundreds of old sketch book full of drawings and doodles, Seb Lester has created this sophisticated letter form by scanning in different work he has already created in the past.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Sean Freeman

Mark Weaver

Similar to some of the illustrations that Eduardo Recife has produced, I like the vintage style which is portrayed through this collage style of working.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Mike Perry typography

I love the way that Mike Perry takes a subject, like this piece made for an architect couple and incorporates it so simply into the letters but it works incredibly well.

Friday, 2 October 2009

This is more work from Eduaro Recife, this time some of his illustration work. I love the fact that he includes different aspects and different ways of working, like collage, photography, doodles etc.

He manages to create a vintage style through these illustrations, what I especially like is the marks and dooldles he makes over the top of the image to add more to it and create a more hand made look.

Hennie Haworth

Again, looking at typography here, Hennie Haworth's style is similar to Eduardo Recife's in the way the the letters are crafter by hand very delicately and contain an large amount of detail.
In this letter she has used only black and white to create the letterform which cccreates a great contrast and shows the intricacy excellently.

In contrast to this but using the same level of accuracy and detail, Hennie has used a range of colours to produce the detail surrounding the letter, allowing the letter to form itself.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Eduardo Recife

Handmade typeface
I particularly like Eduardo Recife's style of work because he doesn't just focus on one thing, specifically here I am interested in the typeface he created because of each letter's individuality and intricacy.