Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Speaking from experience- freshers packs

I'm looking at freshers pack to get an idea of what exists for freshers in the way of giving out free products that will appeal to students.

There seems to be a lot of brown packages created already, maybe something different to this would be best. They all seem to be quite basic too with some kind of logo or design on.

This is probably the most unique one I've come across,kind of looks like some kind of laundry basket but with slogan on it makes it appeal. I also like the fact that it can be carried as it has handles like a little bag.

The Don't Panic pack is something we recieved on freshers, more of an envelope than a box which I'm looking at making. However it works really well and something which is recognised over a range of people.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Human Empire

Looking through their website, Human Empire appear to have produced a fair few CD covers for bands. I like the mix of styles they have. I also really like the photographic work mixed with illustration, I have tried this in the past and would like to give it another try. I think it depends on the contect it's used in and how it is used,but this works really well because it is minimal and subtle.

Steph Baxter- ex student

From the usesful links bit on moodle I came across Steph's work. Her typography work is something I really like the style she uses along with the drawings she places behind and around the type. Whilst being limited, the colour schemes she uses with each one work perfectly together sticking to a certain few colours which compliment each other. I like the fact that the type is the main focus of the pieces but has this extra complimenting detail surrounding it.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Jenny Holzer

I visited the Baltic in Gateshead where the was a projection and light exhibition on by Jenny Holzer.I liked the fact that is was based around language and text and so I looked into her work more. I found some things that I really like the importance of the language used, I would like the focus of my work to be similar, although I am attempting to use humour I want this to be the importance of the products.

Linda Zacks

I like the collage used to make up the A above along with some brush marks and adobe effects.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Magazine Layouts

I like the black and white tones used in this layout above. I do like that one page is allocated to a large image it gives it emphasis and allows you to focus on it. I also like the minimal amount of text and therefore the large areas of white and black space.

What I like about this layout is that it contains its text in three different circles, an individual way of laying out the text. Positioning small images around this it makes it more visual but still the circles take focus. With the typeface that is used it doesn't sit within the circle but verges out onto the background, I like this style as it isn't strict and precise with boundaries.

Again this layout allocates one whole page to a large do souly minating photograph, I do like this style because it merges in with the opposite page because of the background colour. I also like the use of a large quote on top of the photgraph so it isn't just image solely. The dark tones work really well together with just one colour used with it to break it up.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Sarah King

I like this type and image work by Sarah King because it is sucha simple idea taking something that exists and using type on it to a ssociate some kind of saying, eg the apple one reads 'an apple a day..' Varying the type sizes and the way it has been photographed makes it work so well. I like the idea of taking something already existing and modifying it to create something with a whole new meaning and purpose.


From the book Playful Type

I love these small cut outs, each with a different hand drawn designs on. These design appear to be names but the designs and type are individual to the certain person. I particualarly like the design which use the pink and blue situated to the front of the picture because of the type, something like this would appeal to the audience I am aiming at for this project. I like the idea of creating something similar for my speaking from experience brief, different diesgns for different

This al[habet is made up of letters which seem to be representing something to do with the world or culutre, displaying city scapes and mountains etc. I love the handdrawn style used here and how basic some of the letters are and some of them subtle like the I love you x x x.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Packaging free clothing invitation

Again, this is from the book G1. It is an invitation to launch of packaging-free clothing range by Target. Items of excessive clothing packaging incluing card, tissue, polythene, plastic clips, were over printed with the message.
With the use of the collage packaging it creates an emphasis and focus on the topic of the invitation.

Inflatable Postcards

I found this image in the book G1 Subj: contemp. design, graphic by Lewis Blackwell and Neville Brody. It uses an existing world wide way of communicating, but it had been taken and improved and makes it so much more intriguing and interactive than a standard postcard.

Absolut Vodka advetisement

This advert caught my attention because of its use of type as image along with the atmosphere it creates with the music and the scenes. I like how it creates different type to potray an overall message of the advert and I like that it has used specific objects and scenes to create the kind of tranquil affect that it has done.


I found these steps near to the Baltic gallery on Gateshead Quayside and thought it was an interesting idea, linking the idea of steps and words with slipping up.

Friday, 19 March 2010

BBC Bitesize

I really like the hand drawn type style used above for the revision links, the rough, doodle style is perfect for the audience along with the small rough drawings in the corner of the page. I think this style suits the audience perfectly as it's like a school kid would doodle in a notebook or similar.

BBC have created a homepage with a blue and orange colour scheme- something with high impact to attract and appeal to their target audience of teens. The site also contains a chat area where teens can talk to others about work etc and also other interactive parts to the site like listening to revision and playing games appropriate to a subject. These aspects of the site are directed perfectly towards it's target audience and works well to cater for them.

Bleeding Heart

This typeface really appeals to me because of its childlike nature, yet it has something about it which keeps it appropriate to all. It is something which would be appropriate for the type of audience we are aiming at and looks like a fun, playful font despite it's name.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Brown paper

We're contemplating which stock to use for our hotdog fold, I like the look of black on the brown paper and with small doodles like this, without the creases I think it work well, we just have to ensure it is appropriate to our audience.

Doodle illustrations

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Green Piloww

Billy Argel

On our design boards and basically from the start we have decided on a more hand drawn, child like style of text. Keeping this consistent fits in with the theme, makes it less serious and aims the content to our specific audience. Looking at this font 'Green Piloww' we believe it suits the style of our project and would work well on a website, along with a handbook.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Eadweard Muybridge

Eadward Muybridge used multiple cameras to capture motion. Taking images one after another, with a short space of time between each, creates the idea of motion. If I were to document something like this, taking a series of phtographs I will hopefully be able to capture the same kind of idea.

Sequence photography

Flip books

After I have taken all of my photographs I want to create either a flipbook like this or a video animation, although I would like to try to create a stop motion I really like the style of an actually flipbook. I looked into some examples just to get some ideas of how they work and how the drawings or phtographs would have to link.

Monday, 15 March 2010

What Is A Line- Tracey Emin

Looking at the this image by Tracey Emi of her bedroom in a state after relationship difficulties. It portrays it in it's true state with objects in an abject state, things that may shock it's vieweres. This is what I intend to capture with photographs of our kitchen, leaivng it in it's original state, making no ammendments to it and capturing it as it changes over time.

Imagery- School doodles

Looking into doodle art gives us an idea of the kind of imagery we want to include in our designs, this kind of hand-drawn work is ideal, the kind of things you do at school at the end of an exam when you're waiting for it to end or on your pencil case or on a notebook. Mixing different types with small pictograms and a splash of colour makes an eye-catching design and would be appropriate for our target audience of high school pupils.

Saturday, 13 March 2010