I like the black and white tones used in this layout above. I do like that one page is allocated to a large image it gives it emphasis and allows you to focus on it. I also like the minimal amount of text and therefore the large areas of white and black space.
What I like about this layout is that it contains its text in three different circles, an individual way of laying out the text. Positioning small images around this it makes it more visual but still the circles take focus. With the typeface that is used it doesn't sit within the circle but verges out onto the background, I like this style as it isn't strict and precise with boundaries.
Again this layout allocates one whole page to a large do souly minating photograph, I do like this style because it merges in with the opposite page because of the background colour. I also like the use of a large quote on top of the photgraph so it isn't just image solely. The dark tones work really well together with just one colour used with it to break it up.

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